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TEST2r Kit £250.00
TEST2r is an early screening test  for reading and writing, it is an individually administered test suitable for 5 and 6 year-old children (Senior Infants and 1st Class).  The first part constitutes a rapid screener test, made up of five subtests (tasks) for use by the classroom teacher. The second part consists  of a range of diagnostic subtests  given by the Learning Support Teacher  to clarify any literacy subskill needs. The Learning Support Teacher should then decide on appropriate interventions to develop these skills.
TEST2r is presented in 3 parts -
A Teacher Manual, a Visual Stimulus Book and a Scorebooklet. A TEST2r set comes with 5 Scorebooklets.
Task results will be entered on to generate a report on the child.

The class teacher may use TEST2r as a formative assessment tool with a view to modifying teaching, so that the child can learn a particular emergent literacy skill. The classroom teacher may wish to administer the Screener Tasks to all the children in the class or only to children who may be causing concern.

TEST2r is suitable for use by the classroom and Learning Support Teacher.  The test is based on solid research (Cogan 2012; Cogan & McAnaney, 2012) and on sound theoretical principles of early reading acquisition and reading failure. and helps the teacher build up a profile of each child in their care
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