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Advanced Training for ECDL Word Processing £25.00

NOW AVAILABLE IN THE REPUBLIC OF IRELAND Advanced Training for ECDL for Word Processing - Module AM3 for Syllabus 2,from the ICS Skills website see below , the complete course for Advanced Word Processing in Microsoft Word. This manual is part of the complete suite of ECDL Advanced manuals available from Blackrock Education Centre, which includes AM4 Spreadsheets, AM5 Databases and AM6 Presentations.

Advanced Training for ECDL for Word Processing is an excellent resource for anyone using Microsoft Word and is clearly referenced to the ECDL AM3 Syllabus as are all the manuals in this suite. The books incorporate practical exercises throughout and have easy-to-follow instructions with additional information to help the user fully understand the concepts of advanced computing. Extensive checklists are new to all the Advanced manuals to ensure the user that all areas of the syllabus have been covered.
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Word resource files
Word resource files
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Word sample pages
Word sample pages
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